Saturday, August 1, 2009

why dragons fly

The name of this blog came about because a few days before I started it, Chamna Natural Preserve was overrun with dragonflies. But, I prefer dragons. Then dragons fly was already taken, so I tried several different formats to no avail. That day at work I found I'd misspelled piece, peace, so I was laughing at myself and going through double entendres based on peace/piece - I decided my non-existent rock band will be named broken peace.
Who knew there were so many different kinds of dragonflies. I tried to look them up, but the websites I found had poor pictures and were hard to navigate. So, I decided to name them myself. Much more interesting anyway, since naturalist tend to go toward - piliated or naming them after someone they think is famous, but no one else has ever heard of.

From the top:
Paranoidfly (a subspecies of flackjacketfly)

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